Instructions for use of mother macerates
The choice of dosage is as important as the choice of plant or mycelium and can hardly be done at random. There is a kind of standard that Gemmotherapists have created and that has worked on patients and I therefore reproduce it here for those who prefer to manage their health alone. For information I allow myself to indicate that the dosages that I find vibratory range from 1 drop in the morning to 30 drops this is a ratio depending on the sensitivity of the person to the intensity of his pathology. The duration varies from a few days...
La Bruyère and La Callune, riches of acidic lands
Bruyère and Callune Botany : There are 2 plants that look very similar, which often live next to each other and which have the same virtues: Calluna , Calluna vulgaris Heather , Erica vulgaris History : Galen in the 2nd century already recommended heather against female and male urinary problems and to break up stones, Erica comes from the Greek which means to break, to break, which could not be clearer, the name of the plants always being in concordance with the relationship they have with the men. Ancient medical literature is quite prolix on heather, as we can verify...
The Fig tree, a tropical tree in the temperate zone?
Le Figuier wherever it is in Europe has the art of always being noticed, even in areas of its "terroir" around the Mediterranean.