About Gemmessence
“ It is nature that heals the sick ”
The first mission of the Gemmessence Laboratory is to prevent , relieve, and contribute to nutritional balance. thanks to plants, minerals and all food supplements that have no side effects. These are generally substances already existing in our body and thus they are recognized and welcomed instantly by our cells.
The second Mission follows naturally from the first: to cultivate and transform healthily and ethnically as many plants as possible from temperate zones to ensure traceability and quality while respecting Nature.
Faced with multifactorial nutritional deficiencies (emotional, nutritional, allergenic, etc.), plant stem cells (undifferentiated cells) present in quantity in Gemmotherapy can provide beneficial energy for the rebirth of our cells, starting first with its function of drainage and thus protection of our health in prevention and cure. Gemmotherapy is one of the tools of Functional and Nutritional Medicine and is in fact a very modern medicine which has its origins at least as far back as Antiquity. We seek to constantly improve the design of mother macerates as is the case for the last three designs: Arthro G, Prosta G and Cysti G. Research at the Gemmessence Laboratory is now a daily activity listening to Nature and the latest discoveries in Functional Medicine .