The Fig tree wherever it is in Europe has the art of always being noticed, even in the areas of its favorite “terroir” around the Mediterranean. Its large thick leaves with broad lobes, its smooth and curved trunk, it has really nothing to do physically with its local congeners, oaks, beeches and other leafy trees or even with the pines and holm oaks which often accompany it in these terroirs. hot or winter is just a rainy season. It also happens that its botany is fundamentally different: It has no sap but latex, according to some studies the branches and the trunk have a photosynthesis system in addition to the leaves, but the main clue that its origin would be from the tropics is that transplanted from temperate to tropical zones it adapts instantly to its new temperature conditions and bears fruit several times a year, depending on the variety, up to 4 a year. Moreover of the 700 or 800 species of Ficus all are tropical! Except our Ficus carica …
If the Fig tree is adapted to this point to this change of climatic zone, it is also, according to the studies of Gemmotherapy , one of the buds which has the broadest spectrum of actions of all those which have been studied. Can we say that Fig Tree Gemmotherapy has the virtue of adapting to malfunctions physiological and psychological?
Plants have a genetic heritage of about 500 million years, in comparison humanity has been present on earth for about 2 million years, so plants have long developed by innovating to protect themselves from external aggressions, bacteria, fungi, climatic variations
Ficus septica (Indonesia)
The fig tree professor of medicine
From the leaves to the roots, all parts of the fig trees are used in traditional medicine: bark, latex, fruit, everything is used to heal, of course, but it is also a shamanic tree in Peru that allows a journey through trance (Renaco , Ficus insipida ), this trip should teach medicine to the Shaman.
Since the 1970s studies and research have multiplied, this tree has fascinated scientists and confused botanists. Most cited tree in the Old Testament whose fruit is used as a poultice on swellings that would be either infections or tumors *(1.Ben-Noun 2003).
The indications are linked since antiquity and in particular:
- pathologies of inflammatory origin
- diabetes, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia
- infectious diseases
- parasites and gastrointestinal and pulmonary disorders
pharmacological actions:
- antibacterial
- antioxidants
- anti-inflammatory
- gastroprotective
- antidiarrhetic
- vulnerable
- antitumor
- anticancer
- antispasmodic
- immunobalancing /immuniharmonizing
supports tumor treatment, reduces side effects of actinotherapy and chemotherapy* (4.Zhang and Jiang 2006)
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