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Carpinus bétulus, Hornbeam (bud)

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    Hornbeam buds are recognized for their action on ENT conditions, respiratory inflammation, lungs, bone marrow and liver.

    This charm bud macerate is certified organic by Ecocert (FR-BIO-01) and  100% guaranteed  harvested and processed in France by Gemmessence.


    Always take between meals (at least 15 minutes)

    1. For an acute physiological problem: 15 drops twice a day at sunrise and at bedtime.
    2. For a physiological problem of medium intensity: 10 drops twice a day at sunrise and at bedtime.
    3. For prevention or maintenance (without particular pathology): 5 drops twice a day at sunrise and at bedtime.

    Avoid dilution in water and as much as possible keep the drops under the tongue where they will diffuse more quickly and without any loss in the digestive complex


    Precautions for use

    There are no contraindications to the use of gemmotherapy but certain precautions.


    Avoid the use of gemmotherapy in people with alcohol withdrawal or epilepsy.

    Respect the maximum dosage of 5 drops per day of concentrated gemmotherapy extract in pregnant women.

    Do not give buds with a hormonal action (bilberry, raspberry, sequoia, oak) to a pregnant woman or to a woman with a history of hormone-dependent cancer.

    In children under 15, respect a dosage of 1 drop per 10 kg of body weight per day.


    The morning intake on waking is the most important

    Main indications  

    • ENT disorders
    • Respiratory inflammation
    • Nasal and paranasal sinus mucous membranes, Nasopharyngitis, Respiratory mucous membranes, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs
    • Bone marrow
    • Liver

    I. General ailments:

    Fatigue, Asthenia, Convalescence, Stress,

    II. Cardiovascular system:

    Atherosclerosis, Increases platelets and their cytological quality, Hemophilia, Hemoptsis, Intoxication by anticoagulant, Thrombocytopenia (platelet deficiency), Uremia, Uricemia

    III. Skin apparatus:

    Rosacea, Dermatitis

    IV. Urogenital system:

    Breast abscess, inflammation of the genitals, leucorrhoea, metritis, salpingitis, premature abortions, vaginitis

    V. Digestive system (often associated with Ficus carica)

    Affection of the mouth and oral cavity, Colitis, Anti-inflammatory action on the mucous membranes of the colon, Chronic enteritis, Esophagitis, Glossitis, Ulcer

    VI. Hepatobiliary apparatus (in combination with Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis)

    Cirrhosis, Colitis, Liver failure

    VII. Central nervous system

    mental asthenia, mental confusion,

    VIII. Ocular system:

    Dacryocystitis, Eye fatigue,

    IX. Respiratory system :

    Adenoiditis, Catarrhal disorders, Respiratory antispasmodic, Acute and chronic bronchitis, Pulmonary emphysema, Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Nasopharyngitis, Cold Rhinitis, Pulmonary sclerosis, Spasms

    X. Skeletal and osteo-articular systems:

    Rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, periarteritis nodosa

    Indications at the mental level

    The Hornbeam is a very vigorous tree which makes it possible to re-positive.

    Bach flowers: supports in the loss of both physical and psychic vitality.


    Latin name

    Carpinus betulus


    What we can remember from the Hornbeam is that it is one of the trees with exceptional vigor because even pruned every year it leaves even bigger, with new branches sometimes 2 meters long.

    Employee part:

    Let's move in the spring


    The Charm fits almost anywhere.

    Studies and references

    On Gemmotherapy:

    Respiratory conditions (antioxidant, antimicrobial)

    Mihaela Orodan, Dan Cristian Vodnar, Anca Maria Toiu, Carmen Elena Pop, Laurian Vlase, Istudor Viorica, Andreea LetițIa Arsene. Phytochemical Analysis, Antimicrobial And Antioxidant Effect Of Some Gemmotherapic Remedies Used In Respiratory Diseases. Farmacia, 2016, Vol. 64.2

    Henry Pol. Gemmotherapy, therapy with plant embryonic extracts. Author's edition. Brussels, 1982.

    Max. Gemmotherapy and respiratory diseases: New data = Gemmotherapy and respiratory diseases. International Congress of the Scientific Homeopathic Institute. European Phytotherapy, 2005, no 26 (28 p.)

    M. Tétau, New gemmotherapy clinics - Homeopathic clinical practice, Similia, 1987

    Pharmacy thesis

    Stephanie Gerbaka. Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.): botanical and chemical studies and therapeutic effects. Pharmaceutical sciences. 2013.dumas-00844030

    On herbal medicine in general

    Cieckiewicz E, Angenot L, Gras T, Kiss R, Frédérich M. Potential anticancer activity of young Carpinus betulus leaves. Phytomedicine. 2012 Feb 15;19(3-4):278-83. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2011.09.072. Epub 2011 Oct 19. PMID: 22014503.

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